JACK’S BEAN STALKED At the Parkside Lounge (no drink minimum!) Nov 23, 30th,  Dec 7, 8 and 14th CLick here for tickets!

Need a little filth with your fairy tale?

Dive into Jack’s Bean Stalked, a deliciously twisted, unapologetically queer take on the classic tale! With echoes of Baby Reindeer's unsettling obsession and the seductive edge of Saltburn, this outrageous re-imagining follows Jack and a razor-sharp drag queen  as they face off against a giant—and a very hands-on beanstalk that's more stalker than stalk. With biting political satire, raunchy humor, and pop culture parodies aplenty, this panto pushes boundaries and buttons in equal measure.

Bold and bawdy, the pantomime, or panto, has been a tradition in Great Britain since 1717 and is usually performed throughout the holiday season. With its roots in commedia dell’arte, the genre takes classic fairy tales and imbues them with a broad and comedic twist. While pantos are traditionally considered family-friendly entertainment, Jack’s Bean Stalked is strictly for the grown-ups! TL;DR- If you enjoyed the smart stupidity of TitaniqueThe Big Gay Jamboree or Oh, Mary! -you’ll be laughing all night long! 


Featuring: Matt Mastromatteo as Lady Chicken Cutlet, Lily Ali-Oshatz, Gabriel Spector, Regan Sims, Elizabeth Wright-Williams, Rachel McPhee & Robert K. Benson WITH MARK GALINOVSKY

Written by Robert K. Benson direction and costume design by Madeline Wall Stage managed by Lyndsey Barratt Additional costuming by mARYELLEN DE VIVO Original music and lyrics by Lily Al-Oshatz & Gabriel Spector with Mark Galinovsky as Music Director and accompanist